Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I've Got You

Two days ago, I was able to finally access my icloud, which has been locked for more than two years due to forgotten passwords and codes and failed verification procedures.
Reading through my notes, I was transported back to Qatar in 2016-2017, only this time as a third person reading through "Honeylette's" mind.
While the pain is still the same and so real, what amazes me is her hope, surrender, and faith in God's plan.
Truly, as Ate MeAnn put it, "We'll never know that is God is all we need until God is all we've got."

"Thank You, Father, for saying, "Do not worry my child, I've got you."

"Thank You, Lord God, for reminding me that having faith in You will indeed make all things bearable and possible. Please hold us closer to Your heart during our down times, and do not let us go no matter how hard we struggle. Help us surrender to Your will and continue to live within it and not against it. Because surrendering in Your will means accepting all of Your provisions and putting You in charge in our life's battle, in Jesus name I pray. Amen."

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hope and Surrender

Last night, I dreamt about you 
Wearing exactly the same clothes; off to fetch our kids

And while everyone around you was awed to see 
You moved freely with no sign of disability

I miss you
I wish we can all just wake up from this 

But I know that the Lord's plans are greater
I'll hold on as I surrender 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
 Jeremiah 29:11