Today is Glenn's 19th day at home since his last hospital confinement dated June 10-19, 2017 -- the longest since we arrived (Philippines) last April 21st.
After three hospitalizations, 52 days in two different hospitals, 3 days at the ICU, PEG insertion, trache replacement, bronchitis, two pneumonia, BP and heart rate fluctuations and some bleeding, truly nothing is impossible with the Lord.
To give you an idea on how things were going these past few weeks, here's a copy of the culture sensitivity of Stenotrophomonas-maltophilia, the causative agent of his last pneumonia. It showed that the microorganism was multiple resistant and that it was highly susceptible to only three antibiotics and intermediately susceptible to six -- three of which has already been used in his previous infection which means they could not be reused to treat him that time.
With the remaining options, his pulmonologist opted for Sulperazone 1.5g (Cefoperazone sodium + sulbactam sodium) and gentamycin. We were downgrading his antibiotics because the strong and most recent ones were already been used to him in his previous infections. Repetition may lead to antibiotic resistance which no one wanted to happen.
However, the Sulperazone 1.5 g that was prescribed to him happened to be the last production batch of the manufacturer as it is being phased out in the market and replaced by the strong and recent antibiotics. Needless to say, it was hard to find the medicine enough for 14 days. There was one hospital in our province that stored 10 bottles and we were able to use it for three days. On the third day, he seemed ok but on the fourth day, his pulmonologist had to increase the dose because there was a slight change in his secretions so I had to search hospitals and pharmacies that have a stock of Sulperazone. Thanks to our friends who helped me in researching and calling and finally listing a pool of institutions where I can buy the antibiotic. We had to go to Manila every other day to buy the medicine because we could not buy it in bulk for several reasons: (1) his response to the antibiotic was being monitored on a daily basis -- if his reaction was positive the medication would continue but if he was not reacting to it then it would be replaced with another antibiotic; (2) since I was buying from a different hospital as an outpatient, there was a limit to the number of vials that they can dispense; (3) the pharmacies that we were able to locate had only 8 and 9 vials on stock which we picked up on two different days.
It was hard, it was tiring, but it's all worth it.
Every single day is a battle with fear but the Bible says,
"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6
And every minute of survival is a battle won.
When I surrendered our future with the Lord, I vowed to tell all of the marvelous things He's been doing for us.
Hear this:
“I will praise You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done.” -Psalm 9.1
Hear this:
God is faithful.
Nothing is multiple resistant with the Lord.
Our family is still asking for your prayers for Glenn's continuous healing and recovery.
Thank you so much and God bless.
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